| 1. | TTL ) exposure metering, and at full lens aperture at that.
| 2. | The important measure related to DOF is the lens aperture.
| 3. | The lens is modified such that each colour channel has a different lens aperture.
| 4. | The lens aperture is usually specified as an f-number, the ratio of focal length to effective aperture diameter.
| 5. | "Multi-shot " exposes the sensor to the image in a sequence of three or more openings of the lens aperture.
| 6. | The F-401 introduced the now common-place feature of using a thumbwheel instead of lens aperture ring to adjust the aperture.
| 7. | DOF is determined by subject magnification at the film / sensor plane and the selected lens aperture or " f "-number.
| 8. | The photographer would adjust the shutter speed and / or the lens aperture f-stop until the OVER or UNDER LED went out.
| 9. | A total aperture of 8 corresponds to a lens aperture of 5.6, 4 and 2.8 with a 1.4x, 2x and 3x teleconverter, respectively.
| 10. | It is true the finder does not go black during exposure, but at small lens apertures, the eye has no time to adjust to the dark finder.